Axel Games > その他 > WordPress 3.5.1 リリース 予約投稿時に削除される一部のHTMLタグ問題が解消!

WordPress 3.5.1 リリース 予約投稿時に削除される一部のHTMLタグ問題が解消!


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以前、Axel Gamesで撮った動画を埋め込んだ記事を予約投稿していると、ことごとく記事公開時に動画だけ落ちているという問題に悩んでましたが、WordPress 3.5でのバグでした。


これが本日公開されたWordPress 3.5.1で修正されたとのことです。


WordPress 3.5.1 リリースノート

WordPress 3.5.1 Maintenance and Security Release

WordPress 3.5.1 is now available. Version 3.5.1 is the first maintenance release of 3.5, fixing 37 bugs. It is also a security release for all previous WordPress versions. For a full list of changes, consult the list of tickets and the changelog, which include:

Editor: Prevent certain HTML elements from being unexpectedly removed or modified in rare cases.

Media: Fix a collection of minor workflow and compatibility issues in the new media manager.

Networks: Suggest proper rewrite rules when creating a new network.

Prevent scheduled posts from being stripped of certain HTML, such as video embeds, when they are published.

Work around some misconfigurations that may have caused some JavaScript in the WordPress admin area to fail.

Suppress some warnings that could occur when a plugin misused the database or user APIs.

Additionally, a bug affecting Windows servers running IIS can prevent updating from 3.5 to 3.5.1. If you receive the error “Destination directory for file streaming does not exist or is not writable,” you will need to follow the steps outlined on the Codex.

WordPress 3.5.1 also addresses the following security issues:

A server-side request forgery vulnerability and remote port scanning using pingbacks. This vulnerability, which could potentially be used to expose information and compromise a site, affects all previous WordPress versions. This was fixed by the WordPress security team. We’d like to thank security researchers Gennady Kovshenin and Ryan Dewhurst for reviewing our work.

Two instances of cross-site scripting via shortcodes and post content. These issues were discovered by Jon Cave of the WordPress security team.

A cross-site scripting vulnerability in the external library Plupload. Thanks to the Moxiecode team for working with us on this, and for releasing Plupload 1.5.5 to address this issue.

Prevent scheduled posts from being stripped of certain HTML, such as video embeds, when they are published.



オススメリスト ミッドコア編



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